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The 1st session of ASCMUN'24 will be held on 11-12-13 June

Letter From Our Secretary-General

Most esteemed participants of Ankara Asal College Model United Nations 2024,

As the Secretary-General of ASCMUN’24, I am honored to have you all attend this prestigious conference. My name is Atakan Duman, and I am a high school student at Ankara Asal College. Having participated in MUNs in various roles, I am deeply honored to serve with such an academic team as the Secretary-General, which we have waited for a long time. I know that they have prepared the best for you to have fruitful debates.The success of this conference would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of our hardworking organization team. I would like to express my profound gratitude to my Director-General, Dicle Naz Başar, for her commitment during the preparation phases. She was the one that I have always believed in.Additionally, I extend my sincere appreciation to my deputy, Özgür Onur Çiçek, for his invaluable support and expertise in managing challenging situations. Lastly, I thank our advisor Devlet Alişan Altınok for all of his support and for not losing his faith in us during the preparation phases.Speaking on behalf of the ones who contributed to this conference, we believe that we have prepared the best experience for you. May your moments here be filled for all of us to be one as a limpid future.

Letter From Our Director General

Most distinguished participants of Ankara Asal College Model United Nations 2024,


My name is Dicle Naz BAŞAR and as the Director-General of ASCMUN’24, I am pleased to introduce you to this conference we worked so hard for. ASCMUN has a special place in our minds and hearts. Me and my organization team will serve you our best to make this experience an astonishing one for you. If you face any inconveniences, have any questions on your mind, or have any feedback please do not refrain from contacting us. Every member of ASCMUN’24 stands here to help you throughout this journey.

Even the thought of making this conference a reality would be impossible without my lovely Secretary-General Atakan Duman. I would like to show my appreciation towards him for his hard work and engagement in the process of making this conference. Thank you for being my Secretary-General and thank you for being by my side all this time.

I can not forget about my gratitude towards my deputies Mehmet Yiğit ÇELİK and İnci YİĞİT. Yiğit, thank you for encouraging us to go on when we almost failed. İnci, thank you for being a person with whom I can share everything when I need a rest from all the stress. Thank you both for your endless efforts. This conference would not exist without all of our team’s hard work. Thank you all for your contributions. ASCMUN’24 is waiting for all of you. We are ready and excited to meet you all. With you we can create the limpid future we acquire for.

Our Committees

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